The goal of this eBook is to help you, as a Data Wizard, learn some new tricks and tips when working with this amazing tool called Power Query. We’ve compiled the most impactful cases that we’ve encountered over the years to show you how to work more effectively with Power Query based on the scenario that you have. This eBook is written from a practical point of view with easy-to-follow examples. Why Data Wizards? The term wizard often describes “a person who is very skilled in a particular field or activity,”’ and in computing the term wizard means “a help feature of a software package that automates complex tasks by asking the user a series of easy-to-answer questions.” The first definition is for you, the Excel user, and the second definition is for Power Query – together you make magic. We often call these data professionals “Magicians” or ”Data Wizards”.

In the online Power Query courses that we deliver as part of our Skillwave Training platform, we commonly talk about how data professionals can often perform “Magic” with their data in terms of transforming, cleaning or reshaping a dataset for better consumption and analysis. Tips & Tricks for Power Query in Excel and Power BI