After using the trebuchets to defend Acre, follow the gold marker through the tower and then follow the white marker to a chest containing the Commander Tunic.Ĭhapter 5: Acre Tunnels - 1 costume piece Check the alcove in this room for a chest containing the Spiked Armguards.Ĭhapter 4: City of Acre - 1 costume piece Go left at the fork and kill the enemies in the next room. Exit the torture room and go downstairs to the tunnel area. Open the chest for the Inquisition Tunic. (I couldn't see it until I used RB to make it flash). Now look on the other side of the room near the desk that is by the door for a chest. Go in the room on the left (this is the same room with the lever to free the prisoners) and examine the torture rack to reveal a treasure area. When you reach the prison cell area, keep taking left turns until you reach the end of the cell block. Go around to the back of the house and open the chest there to get the Commander Armguards.Ĭhapter 3: The Inquisition - 2 costume pieces

Examine the dead body in the yard to reveal a treasure area. Watch for a torch on the right side of the road that marks a small path leading to a house. After passing the lodge near the beginning of the level, continue on until a second group of dogs attacks. After speaking with the Grand Master in the church, exit the building and follow along the path to the right to find a chest containing the Commander's Cloak.Ĭhapter 2: Misty Forest - 1 costume piece If you do, it will reset your difficulty achievement progress for all previous Chapters. Also, if you happen to miss a costume piece, DO NOT use Chapter Select to go back and get it until AFTER you have completed your playthrough. The game has a really crappy checkpoint system and does not always save the last thing you did. If you, at any point, use the Reload Checkpoint option from the pause menu, be sure to go back and check the last collectible you picked up or the last bonus objective you completed, etc.

Collectible weapon pieces and their locations are listed in my solution for that achievement. I will also list all Treasure Clues as there seems to be little way of determining which clues lead to which treasures. They are listed by Chapter for easy reference, with a description of how to find/obtain it. There are many other chests, collectibles, boons, and XP rewards to find, but I will only be listing the costume pieces here. This solution will list only the locations of the various costume pieces in the game.