Perform the following steps to install UE4 in an academic environment: Rather than mirroring the install machine or manually running the installer on the rest of the computers in the classroom, we automated part of the deployment process.

Typically, schools install UE4 on several computers, for example, in a computer lab or instruction room. At this time, we do not provide a silent (or one-step) installer for UE4, which means that the installer needs to be manually run at least once on a machine in the academic environment. If you are installing UE4 in an academic environment, this document describes how deployment automation can be used to distibute academic installations of UE4. As universities, colleges, and trade schools continue to offer Unreal Engine 4 (UE4) to students and faculty, one of the most frequently asked questions we get from these users is how to distribute UE4 on school computers without exposing the academic account being used to access the engine.